Our Mission
The Bradenton-Sarasota Rose Society is a non-profit organization established to encourage and assist in the cultivation of roses as a hobby and to provide educational resources to its members and to the public. Society meetings are held on a quarterly basis. To join the Society please contact Diane Celeste, Membership Chair at 941-358-6991 or info@b-srs.org. Membership fees are as low as $20 per year, which includes benefits such as subscription to the Society newsletter, access to members-only website resources, personal rose garden visits by a Consulting Rosarian, educational quarterly programs and social gatherings, and more.
The Society is affiliated with the American Rose Society, which is dedicated to the promotion of our national floral emblem, the Rose. We encourage our members to join this national rose society. Membership fees are as low as $55 per year, which includes benefits such as subscription to the American Rose magazine, the Handbook for Selecting Roses, discounts from national society partners and catalogue merchandise, access to members only website resources, free or reduced admission to hundreds of gardens. See www.rose.org.
The Society is a member of the Deep South District of the American Rose Society. See deepsouthdistrict.org for the quarterly newsletter.
For information on us or to join please reach out to us at info@b-srs.org.
Follow this link to download the BSRS Membership Form.
Officers & Board Members
President: Stacy Scott-Berteau
Vice President/Past President: Constance Vierbicky
Secretary: Dan McParland
Treasurer/Past President: Diane Celeste
Board Member/Past President: Ron Mallory
Board Member: Gail Harvey
Board Member: Rosie McParland
Board Member: Tony Moon
Committee Chairs
Auditor: Constance Vierbicky
Bulletin Editor: Rosie McParland
Publisher: Dan McParland
Photos: Stacy Scott Berteau
Membership: Diane Celeste
Education/Programs: Constance Vierbicky
Hospitality Chair: Stacy Scott Berteau
Webmaster: Rosie McParland
Contact A Consulting Rosarian
Constance Vierbicky, Master Rosarian: gatorrosequeen@icloud.com
Barbara Adolphson, Consulting Rosarian: barbaraadolphson@yahoo.com
Debra Benson, Consulting Rosarian: dkbsflowers@gmail.com
Diane Celeste, Consulting Rosarian: dianemceleste@verizon.net
Ron Mallory, Consulting Rosarian: ronmallory@verizon.net
Last updated January 10, 2025